“I am the light of the world," says the Lord; "Whoever who follows me will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aug 18th

Layla is having a blood transfusion today. She needs to replace some red blood cells. Since the red blood cells carry oxygen, this will help her. The Sipap machine that she is on is giving her oxygen, but her body needs to reproduce these cells on their own. This is normal for a preemie baby. The process will take a few hours. She will stop her feedings for the duration of the transfusion and won't resume until 3 hours after. She has been doing very well, and they increased her feeding amount to 7cc every 3 hours. She has been gaining weight and is up to 2 lb 4oz. The nurse said she really is doing an amazing job outside the womb! Sweet Layla is such a fighter. The nurses have to weight her down so she won't pull her breathing mask off. Tiny as she is, she is very willfull and determined to do certain things.

I hope that she can recover from the transfusion without any complications, but there is always a risk of infection. She seems so content lying there all day lounging around...as I sit there in complete wonder as to what God has handed me. I feel extremely blessed for this privilege, but it is not without reservation. Can I handle this? Can I provide everything she needs now and in the future? Can I juggle all the other children I have? Will anyone feel neglected or deprived of attention from me? I have had these feeling with all my other children, but it seems so much more important right now that I am able to deal with all that is going on. It's not easy to walk in my shoes right now, but walking is what I will continue to do...until I need to run!

Love and Prayers for my sweet Layla

Just for Layla

Who will hear your cries
Who will settle you down
Who will watch your sighs
Who will watch you frown

Who will rub your nose
Who will whisper in your ears
Who will tickle your toes
Who will know your fears

Who will kiss your tiny lips
Who will stroke you hair
Who will measure your finger tips
Who will know your there

God is with you all day and night
He will hold you in his care
He will give you strength and help you fight
Until your mommy can be there


Kathleen said...

Most times this is all I can do...Look through the glass and wait. I'm looking at Layla like she is going to grow before my eyes...but yet I can not take my eyes off of her.It's very peacful to sit with her as I pray over her. She knows she is being watched over, in every sense.

Katrina said...

That photo of you looking in on her says it all. A mother's love -is there anything stronger or more beautiful?

I love you poem. So, so sweet :)