“I am the light of the world," says the Lord; "Whoever who follows me will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th

Wow has it been that long? Layla has been doing very well for the most part. She has conquered many battles. She is in the special care unit, which is a progressive step towards going home. She has gained so much weight. She is up to 4lbs now. She is eating a full ounce and more. She has started bottle feeds and next we will introduce ME!(breast feeding) Unfortunately she has had a few set backs along the way. Today she was tested for an infection so we are waiting for the results to come back. She had already had another blood transfusion, and may need another one, if there are signs of infection. She had been taken off of her oxygen completely for almost two days, but has since resumed her oxygen. All this growing and feeding is getting her all worn out. So we are going to see what will happen next with out Layla. Her vision test have come back with some mild abnormality. Although this does not affect her vision it would affect her peripheral vision. So we wait until next week to see those results. Over all she is doing very well. She is still tiny and very active. She gets a visit from Mommy everyday as well as big sister Hailey. Every Sunday we still bring the siblings to see how much she has grown through out the week. We are very anxious to bring her home but not before she is ready to come home. We pray that she can recover quickly from her infections and keep growing strong. So many arm are waiting for her when she finally makes it home. Thank you everyone for continuing to pray for her and our family. We need it!
Prayers for my Sweet Layla

PS pictures next time

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